Join Angela’s



Weekly Spiritual Classes and Group Discussions

Free Readings

Deep Guided Meditations

Become Part of a Community and Develop Your Spiritual Gifts!

Over the years, I’ve met so many wonderful people and learned so much about them through reading sessions. I feel like I’ve met many friends along the way, and sometimes I wish there was a way for us to stay in contact between sessions, and share more of our lives.

With this in mind, I have created The Spiritual Lifestyle community. For me, living a Spiritual Lifestyle means incorporating my spiritual knowledge and tools into daily living, while being immersed in nature’s cycles of life, and living within the spiritual laws. I want to inspire, motivate, and share my experiences with you, and I want to learn about your journey, too.

My clients know they can trust me to always be honest with them, be compassionate, and help them to the highest of my abilities. I enjoy my work and want to create more indepth relationships with my clients.

The Spiritual Lifestyle community is a private member-only community. This community is respectful, joyful, and each member has a desire to learn, improve their life, and further develop their own spirituality. No members will be vulnerable to comments by people who are not on their path or don’t understand our journeys.


Here’s what you’ll find in the Spiritual Lifestyle community:


Click below to see a sample weekly session!

Click below to hear why I started this group!

Click below to hear a podcast episode!

  • Weekly live video mini-classes and sessions with me, discussing spiritual topics and applying spirituality to daily life.

  • Q & A sessions included each week and group discussion.

  • Live guided meditations included in some of the weekly calls, (recorded so you can listen to them over and over).

  • Extended Energy Updates that can’t be heard anywhere else.

  • Participation in intention circles, and ceremonies for the new and full moon, solstices and equinoxes.

  • Informative posts to learn about crystals, herbs, animal totems, and more!

  • How-to videos, such as The Basics of Automatic Writing, How to Use Oracle Cards, and other valuable practices.

  • One-Calm-Minute videos to help you take a time-out in life, to breathe, refocus, and connect with nature, Spirit, and your own soul.

  • A peak into into my own spiritual lifestyle - have you ever wanted to leave everything behind and live on a remote mountain somewhere? That’s just what I did, and you can live vicariously through my journey living each day in nature, growing a garden, harvesting herbs, and more.

  • All of my Podcasts and Videos, all in one convenient place.

  • Discounts on my products and digital offerings.

  • Prayers that work for you!

  • Special free reading sessions.

  • The Spiritual Lifestyle community is not about getting thousands of members and being popular. It is about sharing authentically, being a part of something special, feeling understood, and truly connecting with others who are on their spiritual path.

  • It is a way to touch base with me between readings, and to remind yourself of your spiritual experiences.

  • Membership is $7.00/month and can be paid at an annual discount of $75, which is less than a 1/2 hour reading with me. Subscriptions can be cancelled at any time and will end your membership to the community.

  • The Spiritual Lifestyle community is hosted weekly on Google Meet and we also have a Facebook community.


Are you ready to join and be part of something very special? If so, click the button below:

Monthly Subscription: $7/month, click below:

Annual Subscription: $75/year, click below:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why are you charging for this? Other people do it for free. I believe that when you make an investment in yourself, even as little as $7/month, you will make a priority of it. I am investing my time and expertise to bring you information you can’t find elsewhere, in a private community, and I ask you to make an investment in yourself, also.

  • Can I cancel my subscription whenever I want? Yes, absolutely.

  • Is everyone going to see what I type or post in the community in Facebook? Only if you want them to - the group is set up to have anonymous posts and comments. I will still see your name, but no one else will.

  • Can anyone join the community? No, only my clients who I’ve invited and anyone referred by an existing member.

  • Is this group moderated? Yes, daily.

  • Are the sessions recorded? Yes, the class portion of the sessions are recorded, not the group interaction. Recordings are available to watch for up to two months per class.


After subscribing, click here to request membership in Facebook private community:

The Spiritual Lifestyle | Facebook

You will also receive an email from Angela with details about the community.

If you have trouble, text Angela at (561) 318-9785.